Friday, January 30, 2009

gott 2 lynk it 2 prove it.

check this out
and this, and this
also this
finally, this

needless to say, what i'm talking about is the real future of music. think about it. we're in the midst of an economic recession, which makes the home-made instrument an obvious choice for alarmed and money conscious middle class workers who've caught the ominous scent of future poverty wafting beneath their nostrils. additionally, the complications of everyday life during economic crisis promote a phantom-limb style nostalgia for a "simpler time" that never actually existed (and let's be serious, what more effectively embodies the erstwhile aesthetic of folk-simplicity than making a musical instrument out of a hand-saw or a "can of jelly"?) finally, it is my belief that the renewed sense of patriotism felt by wealthy liberals since the election of Barack Obama will contribute greatly to a resurgance of the exploration of early american folk music by monied, influential, and "hip" individuals.
when i was in highschool, i had a friend who shredded the intro to "paradise by the dashboard light," and any fleetwood mac song you please, on a home-made guitar with cow- horns attached.

ever see a pic n have 2 ask urself , "would n e body mind if i lynked this?" it happened to me...

Monday, January 26, 2009

now, i'm not too deep into that art stuff, but..

have you ever seen a picture that you like, and, you know- YOU GOTT 2 LYNK IT!?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

when u gott2lynkit, u gott2lynk it, m i rite?

thought i'd lynk y'all to my new blog "dear Jocelyn, dear Catherine."
it's how me and my good galpal jocelyn keep in touch.

Friday, January 9, 2009

sry guyz- just HAD to lynk this.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009